St. Francis of Assisi-Meadowvale

Together we are walking with our Lord and celebrating the spirit of St. Francis on a journey of worship, service, fellowship and peace.

St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church
Meadowvale West Church Centre
6945 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle,
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2W7  Canada
Telephone: 905-821-2752
Facebook: St Francis of Assisi Anglican Church, Mississauga
YouTube: St Francis YouTube channel

Click here for a map to our location: Church location map

This is Why We Love St. Francis
Click here for some stories

Weekly Events

Holy Eucharist
Sundays at 8:30AM

Choral Eucharist
Sundays at 10AM

Communion and Prayers
Wednesdays at 10AM

Wednesday mornings 10AM - 11:30, $5 per person
No yoga during July or August

Sunday February 16th 2025

Welcome Home!

Many people have questions about making their regular offering to the church. Here are ways you can help:
A) Enroll in PAG (Pre-authorized giving). Please phone the church (905) 821-2752 for more information
B) Cheques can be mailed to the church, or you may drop off your offering in the locked mailbox at the parking lot doors
C) Donate online to St Francis through our profile at CanadaHelps (Tax receipt will come from Click here to donate
Donate Now Through!
D) Parish events, such as our past walkathon, Pilgrimage to Assisi. Click here to donate. Participate in your own pilgrimage: Pilgrimage Link:

At St. Francis, we are a community of prayer! This should not stop in the light of recent events - in fact we should be even more vigilant in remembering those in need and abundant in out thanksgiving. If you have people to add to the Intercessions, please send an email to THIS address ( In the SUBJECT LINE write Intercessions +Sunday Date. Father Jeff will readily be able to identify these requests, print them and take them into the church to pray on Sundays and Wednesdays. Don't forget your social church circles and reach out to ACW Sisters, Ironmen, Choir Members, Coffee hour team members etc. to ask for prayers or seek support. This is what we do!

Please call the church office at (905) 821-2752 or email with your specific questions and/or needs.

website updated: February 15, 2025